Monday, November 4, 2013

DIY Table Re-Model

Abigail loves to color!  The only time we let her is at restaurants because we do not have a safe place to let her do it at home.  So, I was excited when my mom asked if I wanted the old table and chairs that I used when I was young.  It has been stored all these years in my grandmothers barn and was in pretty bad shape.  The structure itself is good but the stained laminate top was horrible!  I wanted to use it but it was in desperate need of an update.  I decided to paint it even though I knew covering the laminate would not be easy.  
Here are the before pictures...
Stained laminate top with stickers on it.
The chairs looked pretty bad too….very scratched
 and scuffed up.
The easy part…I cleaned, sanded and spray painted
the chairs white.
I didn't get a picture of the table before I started the polka dots but I painted the base white and the top a lime green.  I chose these colors because Abigail's playroom is dark blue, gray, lime green and white.  The hardest part of this project was the polka dots by far.  I am sure there was a better way of doing them but this was the best I could come up with.  I used my circle cutters to cut circles in strips of poster board, decided which color I wanted each circle then taped the strips onto the table top.  Then I needed to cover up everything but the circles I wanted to spray. 
Preparing to spray the blue circles.
All ready...
This seemed like a great ides but a little spray got
under the edges so I did not have the crisp lines
I was hoping for.  
It is definitely not perfect but unless you really get close and inspect my work it looks great.  I am very happy with the final result.
Abigail enjoying her new table!

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