Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 Months Old

Abigail turned 10 months old this week.  She is growing soooo fast.  At 10 months old she is wearing mostly 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  She is pulling up easily and is slowly cruising.  She cut a new tooth this week (lower right) and has been a little fussy but not too bad.  She still has not said ma ma or really anything other than babble and dada.  She eats almost anything you put in front of her and is growing like a weed.  She is such a sweet sweet girl and will give hugs sometimes which are amazing.  She will also give kisses but she has to be in the right mood which is not that often.  
Here are some pictures from our monthly shoot.  They are getting harder and harder to get, especially in the chair, since she wants to move around so much.  
Her new favorite face.
Glad I have a fast shooting camera because she was happy
and still for only a few seconds before wanting in the floor.
She looks like she is playing here but she is
actually starting to pitch a fit.
Abigail was tired of the chair so Andy took over.
Finally got in the floor where she wanted to be.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE her new favorite face and Andy in the chair with the elephant!! Ha
    Reese doesn't like to stay still in a chair for her pictures either!
