Tuesday, July 31, 2012

8 Weeks Old!

Today Abigail is 8 weeks old.  Here are her 8 week pictures.  She was so happy during her photo shot!
We went to our 6-8 week appointment last week and the Dr. said she was doing great.  She weighed 9 lbs 1.5 oz. (25th percentile) and was 22 inches long (60th percentile).  Hopefully that means she will be tall and skinny.  : )  We ran out of newborn diapers and were hoping she would be able to wear size one.....she can but they are a little big.
She got her first round of vaccinations.....I think it was harder on me than her.  She cried but not too bad and the days afterward she didn't run a fever or seem to be more irritable than usual.  We talked to him about how fussy she has been and he said it sounds like colic.  The bad news is that there is not much you can do other than provide comfort, the good news is that it usually gets better around 3 months.  We hope it gets better because right now it is very hard.  She cries a lot during the day!  She does have a few short periods of awake, happy times where she will look at you and coo.  She will follow you with her eyes and smile some.  She also likes to listen to music.  We downloaded a cd with a lot of kids songs to play and sing to her.  
We had some visitors last week.....my grandmother, aunt and cousin came to see Abigail.  My Aunt Connie brought us this adorable UA dress.  I cant wait for Abigail to wear it....its a little big now but should fit by football season.  
 Also, my cousin drew a picture of me when I was pregnant.  It cracks me up....some days I did feel like I needed a cane!
Andy and I have been out for a couple of date nights thanks to Grammy and Grampy.  It felt very strange the first time leaving the house without Abigail but it was great to have some time for just the two of us.  I am slowly trying to ease myself away so that it won't be so horrible when I go back to work.  I have 4 weeks left counting this one.  : (  Grammy will be staying with Abigail so she will be well taken care of and probably completely spoiled!
Date Night at Dodiyos.
I finally went through some old photos to compare my baby pictures with Abigail and we do look a lot alike.  I dont have one of Andy to compare but he assures me that his baby picture does not look like Abigail.


  1. Twilla Susanne JacksonJuly 31, 2012 at 9:27 PM

    Your cousins drawing is hilarious!! Y'all do look a lot alike in the pictures! 8 weeks already! Wow

    1. I know, its hanging on my fridge and I laugh everytime I look at it. Our babies are growing fast! I love your videos of Reese with Honey giving hugs and kisses.....both my dogs tongues are as big as Abigails whole face so we can't do that even though Brinkley would LOVE to.

  2. Hard to believe she's 8 weeks already!! I hate to hear she has colic but hopefully it won't last much longer. I definitely think Abigail looks like you in that picture! How cool!! We need to get together very soon!!!!

    1. I hope not too....I have had two fairly good days in a row so maybe things will slowly get better. We do need to get together again soon!
