This last month has flown by for us. Its crazy that the days go by so fast but it seems like forever ago when we brought Abigail home from the hospital. We are all doing great. Andy and I feel like we are getting the hang of things a little bit. Needless to say we are still learning new things everyday. Some days are hard but I am really enjoying being a mommy.
I think Abigail and myself are finally getting comfortable with breastfeeding. It has been a hard process for me but I am proud of myself for sticking to it. We have been going to a Breast Feeding support group every Thursday which has been very helpful. I am able to weigh her weekly before and after feedings to see how much milk she is getting. Its also great because my long time friend, Casey, also goes with her new baby girl Lucy. We get to hang out at group and we always go to lunch afterward.
Lucy and Abigail at luch.....on there way to being best friends too!!
Abigail has been sleeping good. At 4 weeks old she is eating every 3 hours during the day and at night she goes anywhere from 4-6 hours. The last two nights she went 6 hours which was awesome. Andy and I got 5 hours of uninterrupted was much needed! Hope she keeps it up. During the day she seems to have 2 fussy in the morning and one between dinner and bedtime. Those times are really hard but we are just happy they are during the day and not at night.
Here are the first of Abigails monthly pictures...
Abigail at 2 weeks. Weight: 7lbs 2oz
Abigail at 4 weeks. Weight: 7lbs 15oz
Even with a new baby we have still managed to make it to the lake twice this month. We went up for a weekend a couple of weeks ago and for a week for the 4th of July. So far I have not been able to swim and the weather has been so hot that I usually just stay up at the house with Abigail. This past week, my parents came up to spend the weekend with us so I was able to go down and sit on the dock for a bit in the afternoon when it had cooled off. I will be so happy when I can swim again! We also took Abigail on her first sunset cruise in the boat. She stayed awake almost the whole time so I think she really liked it.
Brinkley and Bella are adapting well to having a baby around. At this point, they really just ignore her. As long as they still get food and some attention they are happy. Here are some pictures of the day they met Abigail.
Bella babysitting while mommy takes a shower.
Here are more pictures of our sweet baby girl...
Stretching.....or as Andy likes to say: "Touchdown!"
This is my serious face...
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