I am soooo late posting this!! Abigail is now almost 14 months old but we were about a month late seeing Dr. Dudgeon for her 12 month visit and I have just been busy the past few weeks. I started a new job last month and we spent the past week at the beach (I will post about that later).
We had a great visit with Dr. Dudgeon. Abigail was good while there but she is sometimes hard to handle....she wants to be on the floor crawling all the time and it is hard to keep her in my arms or on the table. She had fun playing with the paper though. Dr. Dudgeon said Abigail was growing and developing right on track.
Weight: 22 lbs (60%)
Height: 30 1/2 inches (80%)
Head Circumference: 8 1/2 inches (80%)
At 13 months Abigail is:
Drinking whole milk from a sippy cup - No more bottles!!
Eating anything and Everything - she is a little picky from day to day. One day she will love something and the next she won't touch it, then the next day she will love it again. She will only eat things she really loves from a spoon or fork. The last few days we have let her try to use a fork herself and yesterday she used it to eat two bites of her omelet.
She has only taken a couple of steps but she crawls super fast.....I have a feeling her fast crawling will prolong her walking but we will see. She can crawl up and down stairs and can climb on and off the couch.
She has 8 teeth and Dr. Dudgeon says her molars will be in soon.
She talks constantly!! We can't understand much of it. Here are the words we can understand:
da da
ma ma - but vary rarely and usually when she is upset.
tickle tickle - she says this a lot but not sure why.
Hey - she says this all the time and will even put her (or our) cell phone to her ear and say it. Its very cute!!
No - she has this one down pat and will even say "No Da da"
Bye - she can wave bye too
Look at those rolls! |
Here is a video of Abigail with her cell phone...