Abigail learned a few new things while on vacation:
She learned to drink from a sippy cup....which she is obsessed with.
She started trying to stand up while crawling....looks like she is doing downward dog.
She also pulled up on the couch a couple of times. This was of course while I was in the shower and she would not do it again for me. Today she did push herself up to standing while playing with large box but she still will not do it on the couch....it won't be long though.
Andy also taught her how to unpack bags....she loves it and will unpack any bag left in her reach.....especially ones you don't want to her to.
We tried all week to get her to say "ma ma" with no luck. She will say "da da" all day...she even screams it but will not say "ma ma". Oh well, she will do it in time, and it will be all the more special when she does.
The other thing she has started to do is throw a fit when she doesn't get her way. We are not happy about this one!! She throws her arms around and kicks, throws her head back and screams. At times she even hits herself in the face which makes her cry even more. Sometimes it is quite funny but most of the time it is annoying...especially when trying to change her diaper or clothes. We are not sure what to do about this but she does know the word "no" and gets very upset when it is used.
Wanting to pull up, but just not sure... |
Pulled up with Daddy's help. |
Having some lunch with Dad. |
Unpacking the beach bag. |
After crying for 2 hours in the car Abigail finally took a nap. |