So, I have been meaning to post weekly but I am already 2 weeks behind......hope this is not a preview of whats to come when Abigail actually gets here.
I went in for my 39 week check today and was really hoping that I had dilated a little since last week. I have, but only to 1 cm. I am really hoping that something may happen this week but if not we have scheduled an induction for Monday the 4th. I can't believe in less than a week I will be holding her!! This pregnancy has flown by. Today was the first hard day that I have had....I felt really pregnant and uncomfortable at work today. On the upside, Andy and I did get to spend the holiday weekend at the lake which was awesome! The weather was great and we didn't do anything but relax....I spent the entire weekend floating on a raft.
We were lucky to have two great showers given to us. One by my sister-in-law and some close friends and one by Andy's work. We had a great time at both!! Below are some pictures from my family/friends shower.
The Great Grandmothers
Grandmothers and Great grandmothers
Mom, me, Reagan, Best Mama, & Meme
Me and my sis Reagan
A gorgeous Diaper wreath made by my friend and co-worker Shantele.
Julie and Casey who have since delivered beautiful, healthy babies.